Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Tired of the whiners

There's a letter to the editor in the March 5, 2008 Arizona Republic by some woman named Carol who argues that Democrats will raise your taxes. I thought about it and you know what? Carol's right. We'll be dead in a few years, so what do we care if we pile on massive debt to our children and grandchildren? What do we care if we pass the buck onto them? It's their money and future we're squandering. What do they need a stable economy for? At least we'll be able to say in the history books what a great generation we were because we kicked the Commie's rear ends. Why can't these kids show a little gratitude for a change?

Better to have it now when we want it so we can continue to make asinine points about the size of government and spending. It's much more important to teach our kids we don't give a rat's keister about paying our nation's bills when we can pass it on to them. It's better to borrow money for our current charades from those Commies who make all that cheap stuff we buy at Wal-Mart.

Seriously, though, have you ever been to one of these taxpayer group meetings? There's not a person in the room under 65. I for one am really getting tired of these old folks who think they know everything telling those of us who will wind up paying their bills what to think. I think they've messed things up enough because of their selfishness and ideology. This isn't about them, it's about our country and they're just too cheap to pay their bills. We wouldn't be in this mess were it not for the people THEY helped elect.

Shame on Carol and those who think like her for continuously trying to convince us they know that they're talking about. Nothing they've suggested has worked yet, so why should we continue to listen to them? It's the Republicans they've elected who have gotten us into this mess. It's the policies they've supported and championed who have caused our debt to rise to nearly $10 trillion dollars. They're wrong and selfish and shame on all of them.

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