Friday, June 02, 2006

More Bovine Scatology From the Right

Would Thomas Gatchell (Letter to the Editor, AZ Republic, 6/2/06) please be so kind as to inform us when the last time was that "Democratic administrations" went "door to door to confiscate the firearms of law-abiding U.S citizens.” I don’t believe that ever happened.

While he's at it, maybe he can tell us what he likes about Republicans giving tax breaks to the most wealthy and no-bid contracts to multinational companies who evade paying U.S. taxes in order to "buy constituency."

Democrats aren't interested in nor planning on raising taxes. The government has enough money already and we know it. All Democrats want to do is balance the budget, which the Republicans are plainly incapable of doing.

Gatcchell’s rhetoric is nothing more than election fear mongering in a vain attempt to keep voters from looking at the Republican record of incompetence, failure and over-spending taxpayer’s dollars. I have a feeling that strategy won’t work this year.