Wednesday, February 20, 2008

More of the same isn't what we need.

I know I'm not the first, but reading comments like those of Mr. James P. Giangobbe of Litchfield Park in the Opinion section of the Feb. 20, 2008 Arizona Republic explains the appeal of someone like Sen. Barack Obama has to large segments of the public including Democrats, Independents and Republicans. GWB has made conservative speeches and sermons for 7 years and look where it has gotten us. A war McCain wants to extend for 100 years, a federal deficit that puts generations into debt, an economy that's falling below world-class levels. We need a dramatic change and Republicans are incapable of going in any direction other than reverse.

You negative thinking, backward-driving, debt-creating, job-exporting, health care cost-raising Republicans have had your chance and you blew it on countless levels. Frankly, any change from you guys will be welcome.

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