Wednesday, February 07, 2007

How do the come up with these?

This is turning into a daily event, so I figured I'd just title this "Dumb Bill of the Day." Maybe it should be "Dumb Bills from Dim Bulbs."

Today's installment, SB 1612, comes from the fertile and futile mind of Thayer Verschoor, (with co-sponsors Linda Gray and Karen Johnson). SB 1612 deals with that awful problem of teachers in public schools, charter schools and universities talking about current events. These three dumb law-makers believe teachers are overstepping their bounds and should not be allowed to:

a: discuss any political candidate or party
b: discuss any governmental program
c: discuss any law, regulation or rule
d: discuss any litigation pending anywhere
e: advocate any social or cultural issue

So much for political science and social studies classes or degrees. And where are Arizona students supposed to study our political process or engage in a balanced discussion of important issues? At Thayer Verschoor's house? The local KKK or JBS meeting? The Flat Earth Society? The Arizona GOP?

Any teacher convicted of doing any of these god-awful things is guilty of "an unprofessional act" and is subject to a fine of $500. Someone who --helps-- a teacher teach students about "Dumb Laws" is also subject to a $500 fine.

Let me remind you ol' Thayer was the author of one of last year's "Dumb Bills" that would have permitted any student who didn't like the lessons they were being taught could "opt-out" and request a different curriculum. Republicans must think it is better to keep people ignorant of their government than have the smarts to figure out what's going on. Thayer sure thinks so.

As sayeth Thomas Gray: "When ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly be wise." Need any more proof than Thayer Verschoor's SB1612?

So thank you, Thayer Verschoor, for SB 1612: today's "Dumb Bill of the Day!"

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