Friday, February 16, 2007

Thayer Verschoor - Enemy of Free Speech

You'd think that Republicans support free speech, but they don't. Republican Senator Thayer Verschoor's (R-22) original bill to muzzle free speech for teachers at any grade or school or university and fine them $500 per conviction of “unprofessional conduct” used to be SB 1612, but it got killed in the Education Committee on Wednesday. Not one to let a dumb bill die or give up on telling teachers what they can or cannot discuss, Republican Verschoor pulled the "Strike Everything" stunt and reintroduced the measure, word-for-word, as SB 1542. This is a dangerous and vague bill that is opposed by teachers, students and parents, yet Republican Verschoor insists it's necessary. Apparently he and some of his right-wing-extremist collegues think discussing political issues should occur and those bastions of knowledge: the legislature or the local KKK or JBS meeting.

Voice your objection to this bill by calling Senator Verschoor's office at 602-926-4136. Also, call your Senator and House members and make sure they know you disapprove of SB 1542. It's today's prime example of more dumb laws from the Arizona Republicans.

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