Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Hoopla Around Pizza Patron

What is it with some people in Arizona? A pizza place announces it will accept Pesos and you'd think the entire country of Mexico is moving to the U.S.

Anyone who has traveled overseas knows what a pain it is to change currency when moving from one country to the next. Many businesses like hotels and restaurants accept foreign currency from their customers for payment, often charging a premium for the convenience of exchanging the currency on the spot. I have lots of foreign currency from my travels lying around the house and if there was a way to use it up, I’d be happy to do so. Pizza Patron is doing something done in most other countries of the world by some of the world’s largest businesses: they’re making money on the sale of their pizza and on the currency exchange. That some people here find it worthy of death threats or condemnation indicates we Americans need to get out more and see what is common elsewhere poses no threat here.

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