Sunday, December 03, 2006

Senator Karen Johnson Goes Off the Deep End

Believe it: Senator Karen Johnson is a card-carrying member of the crazy right-wingers of the Republican Party who pass themselves off as libertarians, but act and think more like members of the John Birch Society or the National Alliance. In an article in the East Valley Tribune, Johnson states this county will merge with Mexico and Canada to become a E.U.-like country where our Constitution and sovereignty is pitched out the window and the U.S. as we know it will cease to exist. The culprit in all of this: President George W. Bush.

Now she's informed the Arizona Republican delegation of this "fact," many of who wouldn't return the Trib's calls for comments. I can't say I blame them. What's scarier is she sits in the legislature with other folks like Russell Pearce and there are enough voters in her district way too uninformed to throw her out. Maybe H. L. Mencken was right about getting the politicians we deserve.

Johnson's hysterical fear mongering and boogie-man rhetoric is why Republicans are leaving that party and registering and voting as Independents and Democrats. I would encourage her to keep up the good work. Democrats can use her help.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Senator Johnson is not so "off the deep end". Her concerns are old news. Perhaps you should pay more attention to both her and George W. when they tell us that the borders between Canada and Mexico will effectively dissappear.