Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Impact of the War on Christmas

Maybe there really IS a "liberal War on Christmas." In case you've had your head in the sand, the conservative talking heads like Fox's John Gibson and Bill O'Reilly say "it's all part of the secular progressive agenda ... to get Christianity and spirituality and Judaism out of the public square." He then added: "[B]ecause if you look at what happened in Western Europe and Canada, if you can get religion out, then you can pass secular progressive programs, like legalization of narcotics, euthanasia, abortion at will, gay marriage, because the objection to those things is religious-based, usually."

I have to say I was very skeptical. After all, I haven't heard anyone want "abortion at will" (other than conservatives), or legalizing narcotics (other than conservatives), but it wasn't until I saw the devastating impact on Santa here in Arizona I started thinking maybe there was something to it. To show you what I mean, I took these disturbing photos of Santa here in Arizona. Needless to say, Santa here has been devastated. The only possible answer must be "the War on Christmas."

"I feel like the all of the air has just been taken out of me" said one Santa, who refused to allow himself to be identified. "I can't even get the reindeer to eat. Look at them, they're so boney. You can almost see right through them. Look at me, I've fallen and I can't get up."

The second is another startling picture (please don't show the children). This distraught Santa is so out of it that he is barely able to keep himself from jumping off the balcony of this home! "Nothing matters any more," said this Santa. "Those liberals have simply robbed from me the power to stand on my own anymore. Even the Christmas trees can't get juiced up over the holiday anymore."

From what I understand, it's not just Arizona. It's everywhere. Santas, Christmas trees, snowmen and even elfs have had the wind knocked out of them by this "war on Christmas." Clearly, the holiday won't be the same, anymore.

Oh, Happy New Year!

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