Monday, December 12, 2005

Gorman shows why Republicans can't be trusted with a "Veto-proof" legislature

Pamela Gorman's attempt in today's Arizona Republic opinion section "Napolitano undermining border reform" to compare Governor Napolitano's veto of Senate Bill 1306 to John Kerry’s war votes misleads the public on the reasons for the Governor’s veto and highlights why Republicans do not deserve a “veto-proof” legislature. As for the Republic, why do they print this crap? This isn't even close to being neatly argued. If I lived in District 6, I'd be embarrased my representative wrote this (if she, in fact, did write it).

Back to the point. Had Rep. Gorman read the Governor's veto letter she would know the reasons were two-fold. First, it was unnecessary as local law enforcement already had the ability work closely with federal agents to “…help support the effort to rid our communities of illegal aliens.” Nothing like passing laws we don’t need.

Second, Republicans passed the bill but didn’t include a penny to cover the costs, which were estimated by DPS and the City of Phoenix to be $10 million and $19 million respectively. Nothing like passing a law without funding proper implementation. Thank you Mrs. Gorman for pointing out that Republicans have passed unfunded mandates for unnecessary laws.

Though not her intention, Rep. Gorman proved the Governor knew law enforcement’s capabilities better than the legislature and why the Republicans can’t be trusted with a “veto-proof” legislature. Just what we need, unnecessary laws that requires we spend money they don’t appropriate. Governor Napolitano, did the right thing.

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