Thursday, December 08, 2005

AZ Republican Chair Opposes Anyone Knowing Anyone!

Keeping up with time honored Republican tradition of smearing anyone who has a different opinion, ex-gubernatorial loser Matt Salmon and the Arizona Republican Committee have put out a new "Internet" ad blasting Democratic Senate Candidate Jim Pederson. So smartly titled "The Pederson Bunch," the ad attempts to paint Jim Pederson in a big nasty "liberal" by highlighting meetings with famous "liberals," making legal campaign donations, and any other inferred evilness gained simply, it seems, by osmosis.

According to Matt, here's why Jim Pederson is a "liberal:"

1. Gave money to the Democrats candidates
2. Gave money to organize the Arizona Democratic Party
3. Wanted to unseat elected Republicans
4. He "knows" people

Now are any of these things "illegal?" Nope.

Gee, using Matt's standards, it's a good thing no Arizona Republican got money from Jack Abramoff and his questionable campaign donations. Oh wait, J.D. Hayworth got $64,530 and John Shadegg got $2,500. Okay, so scratch this one.

Gee, using Matt's standards, it's a good thing no Arizona Republicans in authority donated money to candidates or the local parties. Oh, wait. Rick Renzi contributed $100,000 to the state party, which then transferred the money to the Federal office, which could use the money however they wanted--even to support Rick (is it true he's a "carpet-bagger?") Renzi. And most Republican contributions in Arizona come from PACs, so the money being spent isn't as easy to track to individuals. At least Jim Pederson had the courage to do things out in the open.

Gee, using Matt's standards, it's a good thing Republicans don't want to defeat elected Democrats. Oh, wait, that's Matt's job.

Gee, using Matt's standards, it's a good thing Republicans don't "know" people with unpopular opinions. Oh, wait, John Shadegg, Trent Franks, J.D. Hayworth, and Rick Renzi all issued a press release supporting Tom DeLay. John Shadegg and J.D. Hayworth took Jack Abramoff money. More Republicans are under criminal investigation for campaign finance fraud or other crimes at any time since Watergate. Speaking of Renzi, he defended Pat Robertson's hysterical call for the assassination of the President of Venezuela. Then there's Renzi's getting jiggy with Florida Rep. Kathleen Harris. Aren't both of them married? But I digress.

Maybe if we look at this from the logical perspective, we'll see Matt's "guilt-by-association" point. We'll use the common logical construct of A + B + C = D (to keep it simple).

A = Jim Pederson is a Democrat
B = Electing Democrats costs money and requires organization
C = Jim Pederson knows "liberals"
D = Jim Pederson contributed money to Democratic organizations and candidates

Based on the above, can determine that Jim Pederson wants to elect democrats to public office, but we cannot conclude that he is a clone. Wow, I'd think that's a good thing.

On another note, Matty Salmon cites articles (often the same one) by our friend Mike Sunnucks at the Business Journal 12 times. Out of those, Matt references the same articles a total of seven times. Seems to me that ol' Matt is stretching credulity here when he can't find more article from more than one reporter to make his case. Doesn't that make you wonder why he and Mr. Sunnucks are so close. Is Sunnucks a shill for the Arizona Republicans?

To conclude, it seems the Republican spin machine uses these criteria:

1. Use the same source multiple times if it makes your laundry list look longer.
2. Use guilt-by-association whenever possible, just don't admit your own problems.
3. If a candidate at some time met someone with more extreme views, no matter where or for how long, or even if they discussed a single thing, paint them with the same brush.
4. Above all, don't be 100 percent honest.

I think there's a book in this somewhere...

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