Monday, April 02, 2007

Republicans with short memories

How short the memories are of Republicans when it comes to who controls the spending process or how it works. We have Republicans like Tom Patterson who makes his living complaining about taxes and state spending while conveniently forgetting it's his buddies in the Republican-controlled legislature who write and pass budgets –before-- sending them to the Governor. Being a former legislator and hotshot at the Goldwater Institute and all, you'd think he knew how it works, but apparently not.

We have Republican legislators who complain about pork spending in a supplementary Defense spending bill, yet forget that it's a Republican president and 12 years of Republican-led Congress that raised the national debt to historic levels through pork spending. They forgot the last Democratic President and Congress left office with a surplus. They forgot the Republican-authored 2005 transportation bill that included $28 billion in pork spending with $223 million for the infamous Alaskan bridge to nowhere.

Unfortunately, sometimes spending needs to be added to bills for them to pass. That's the way it works. That Republicans who promoted its use while they were in control are now criticizing it demonstrates there are two more things to like about Republicans: their face.

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