Sunday, October 29, 2006

Who IS the Arizona Republican Party?

I’ve reached the conclusion that our Republican legislators cannot possibly represent the views of the majority of Arizona Republicans in particular or Arizonans in general. Their positions are more right-wing Libertarian than mainstream Republican. Are they really Libertarians running as Republicans but can’t be honest about it? Look at the polls, examine their views and decide yourself.

Most Arizonans want the legislature to invest the surplus in roads and schools, but legislators want a tax cut. Most Arizonans want a reasonable approach to illegal immigration while the legislators want to create families of felons. Most Arizonans want both parties to work together, but our legislators believe no compromise is ever justified.

Our Republican legislators preach government is too big, yet they control it. They say spending is out of control, yet they hold the purse strings and forget we’ve had several years of deficits. They say government shouldn’t put its nose in our personal lives but want to dictate health choices to women.

If this isn’t proof Republicans are out of touch with voters, I’m not sure what other proof you need. It’s time to elect people who think like we do. It’s time to clean house.

1 comment:

Michael said...

You are clearly confused about what principles and positions Libertarians favor, if you think that the policies Arizona Republicans advocate resemble them -- any similarity is purely accidental.

-- Michael Kielsky
Chairman, Arizona Libertarian Party