Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Be careful at whom you throw stones

The East Valley Tribune editorial board should be careful where they throw stones. They argue the Governor’s allowing the ELL bill to become law without her signature leaves “her vulnerable to Republican charges that she isn’t faithfully executing the duties of her office” because she sent along a four-page letter describing her dislikes about the bill and that letter could influence the court. Odd, what the Governor did sounds similar to President Bush’s strategy of attaching signing statements to Congressional Bills.

The President’s signing statements tells Congress how he will interpret the law, which more often than not is different from what Congress meant. Why couldn’t that signing statement be interpreted as a message to the conservative judges on the federal courts who may hear lawsuits on those bills how to interpret them? So if you’re going to criticize the Governor for not “faithfully executing the duties of her office” for doing something the President does all time seems a little, well, hypocritical.

Of course, the E.V. Tribune could write an editorial criticizing the President for not faithfully executing the duties of his office for the same reasons. But we’ll be waiting a long time for that one to appear.

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