Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Letting the Truth Be Told

Hello and thanks for stopping by. AZ B.S. Meter is a blog with a simple goal: to cut through the crap that many of Arizona's newspapers, television and radio stations and other blogs sell as the truth. There are no sacred cows here, except for the truth.

If the Arizona Republic publishes something that simply isn't true, we'll spill the beans here.

If the East Valley Tribune blows smoke, we'll air out the truth right here.

If the political parties do a little spinning, we'll grind it to a halt.

So how will we know? Heck, we're bloggers! We can handle the truth even if the newspapers cannot. To be fair about it, we'll even give them a chance to clear things up right here--or preferably on their printed pages or their (hot) air.

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