Sunday, January 29, 2006

Are There John Birch Members in the AZ Legislature?

I was going through some of the bills offered by our illustrious Republican legislature and I came across one that makes me wonder who exactly we have running the store here. Do we have rational people in the legislature or are they fear-mongering conservative populists touting an extremist agenda. Read the following and then decide.

SCM1002: Urging the Congress of the United States to enact H.R. 1146, the American sovereignty restoration act of 2005

SCM1002 is a "Senate Concurrent Memorial" that if passed will be "transmitted" to the U.S. Congress that expresses the belief of both houses of the Arizona legislature that the U.S. is somehow losing its sovereign identity because the U.S. is a member of the United Nations. The language is full of questionable language and fear-mongering that has no basis in fact--even loose ones.

Whereas number 5 says "Whereas, the Charter of the United Nations purports to supersede the independence and sovereignty of the United States and the Constitution of the United States of America and to usurp powers delegated in the Constitution..."

A reading of the UN Charter Article 2, Section 1 states "The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members," and Article 2, Section 7 which states "Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter Vll."

Now, those calling for the US to get out of the UN, such as our Arizona legislators, claim that the UN can use US forces willy nilly and for whatever purpose. Then riddle me this Batman, how come Chapter 7, Articles 43 and 44 give member states the right to opt-out of any military involvement. I guess they've forgotten how many UN members opted-out of the GWB Iraq war. The "memorial" is so wrong in fact that I cannot imagine that a single one of the sponsors or cosponsors bothered to read the relevant sections of the UN Charter. That begs the question of who's behind the "Get the U.S. out of the UN" movement.

If you look on Google, the primary sponsor is...get this...The John Birch Society (JBS). Yup. Remember them? They are the ultra-conservatives from the late 50's and 60's who saw conspriacies and communist plots under every rock, including the Civil Rights movement.

Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

Do yourself a favor and check out the WikiPedia discussions on the JBS and check out the subsidiary links. Other well known Birchers: Phyllis Schlafly, and none other than the key sponsor of House bill our Arizona legislators want to pass, Texas Republican Ron Paul. The Honorable Rep. Paul graced the JBS at their "Special Council Dinner" last year at JBS headquarters in Appleton, Wisconsin.

Bob Dylan wrote a song about the JBS, the Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues."

So who are the Arizona legislators (all Republicans, btw) sponsoring this bill?

Sen. Karen Johnson (D-18)
Rep. Doug Quelland (D-10)

Rep. Andy Biggs (D22)
Rep. Tom Boone (D4)
Rep. Eddie Farnsworth (D22)
Rep. Pamela Gorman (D6)
Sen. Ron Gould (D3)
Rep. Trish Groe (D3)
Sen. Jack W. Harper (D4)
Rep. Rick Murphy (D9)
Rep. Russell Pearce (D18)
Rep. Colette Rosati (D8)
Sen. Thayer Verschoor (D22)

Think about it: we have a sense of the state of Arizona that the US should get out of the UN for reasons that are unsubstantiated in the UN Charter, sponsored only by Republicans, most of whom live in the East Valley, endorsing a position that is being championed by the John Birch Society.

If it walks like a duck...

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